Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Create an SAT Prep Plan

How to Create an SAT Prep Plan If youve recently signed up for the SAT, youre probably beginning to think about preparation. While students often allot different amounts of time for this process, it is important to have a plan in place thats right for you. For some students, this means a year of preparation; for others, a few months. No matter which category you find yourself in, it is important that you develop a plan that will maximize your time and your score. The first step of preparation is simply to know how youre going to approach your study sessions. Create an SAT prep plan with these tips: Establish a timeline Before you can effectively plan your study time, you need to know exactly how much of it is available. If youve got a year until the test, youll study differently than if youre taking the test in two months. Know your test date and time frame. Youll also need to know how long you can study per week, day, etc. Plan for study sessions of varying length, but be honest with yourself about the amount of time you can actually contribute to SAT studying when taking into account your other ongoing commitments, such as extracurriculars, homework, a part-time job, etc. During this timeframe, youll also want to set some personal goals for the SAT. If you plan to study as a group with others, establish some group goals as well. Explore the test Its hard to study for a test you arent familiar with, so take this opportunity to open up the test and explore. Figure out the logistics (time requirements, tools youre allowed to have, etc.) and learn how the test is portioned out. Also note new changes to the SATs format, such as the elimination of the guessing penalty. Next, youll want to look at the actual questions. Begin by taking a quick sample of questions from different areas can you answer them? Eventually, youll want to take a practice test to identify areas of weakness. Focus your efforts After youve taken a practice SAT, you should be able to identify areas of possible weakness. Youll be able to see where you score well too, which tells you where to focus less of your efforts. Take a practice test a few times to make sure your results are accurate and consistent then, start studying. By now, youll know where you need more work, so begin there. Plan to focus the majority of your time in areas where you scored lower so you can improve your results. However, dont forget about the areas you do well in! These high scores can help boost your overall results, and you dont want to be rusty come test time. Consider using a prep book to guide your study experience as well for instance, you could directly review lessons on the reading section if you want to refine your skills there, or take a look at some math tips to refresh your mind on that area. Review test questions After youve taken a practice test, it can be helpful to meet with an SAT tutor to review the questions you got wrong and areas you continue to struggle with. A tutor can help clarify why you may be answering these incorrectly and shed light on the spots that are tripping you up. After going through the questions that provided trouble, take more practice tests until youre confident you have a better understanding of them. If studying with a group, it can be helpful to show up with a few sample questions that youve come up with this will diversify the questions youre exploring and broaden your knowledge base. Compare your scores It will be important that you track your progress as you continue to prep for the SAT. A great way to do this is not only by taking the practice tests, but by monitoring your scores each time as well. Are you consistent in subject areas of strength and weakness? Are your scores getting better? Knowing this will allow you to make adjustments to your SAT prep plan as needed. If your scores arent improving, youll need to allot more time to a certain subject area or change the way youre approaching it. A change in routine can make a world of difference. Approach the test with confidence Confident students tend to do better on tests, and this is especially true for long exams like the SAT. If you approach the test with confidence, your score could show it! To build yourself up, come prepared. By following an SAT prep plan, youll approach the exam with the knowledge and skills necessary to get the score you hope for. You may also want to practice driving to the test site and even take a practice test there if youre able these small gestures can make you feel at ease when the actual day comes, resulting in a test score that reflects all of your hard work. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

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